Frequently Asked Questions
Who should use MetaReviewer?
MetaReviewer is designed for the synthesist who is new to conducting an evidence synthesis. Our target audience members is a person who wants to move beyond a spreadsheet but doesn’t have the resources to purchase dedicated software or design a custom-made database. Although synthesists with lots of experience can and should use MetaReviewer, given the current stage of the build, the program may not meet advanced users’ needs.
What aspects of the review process can MetaReviewer assist with?
MetaReviewer will assist review teams in the process of collecting data from individual studies, usually referred to as “study coding” or “data extraction”. MetaReviewer’s tools will help synthesists design a coding form, create a relational database, manage team assignments, collect study information, identify effect size statistics, and convert the collected data into a spreadsheet that can be easily imported to any software.
What should I do if I want to use MetaReviewer for screening?
MetaReviewer does not currently have functionality that will accommodate abstract or full-text screening. Users may – on their own accord – use the program for such purposes as MetaReviewer can be adapted to meet these needs. However, at the current phase, the program will not accommodate both screening and coding of studies. We also will not be able to provide users with any support of these issues. We plan to incorporate some of this functionality after the Beta testing phase ends in November 2022.
Will MetaReviewer assist in the analysis of data?
Not specifically. MetaReviewer will be helpful to users who need to identify specific effect size data. MetaReviewer will also be helpful to users who need a formatted spreadsheet that can be imported into R, Stata, or other statistical software.
I don’t know what an evidence synthesis is – will MetaReviewer help me understand it?
MetaReviewer is designed for individuals who have a basic understanding of the evidence synthesis process. Users interested in learning more about evidence syntheses should consult papers like this one for a good primer. Our MOSAIC website also has helpful resources.
Will other people not on the project be able to access my project data?
No. Only people who synthesists grant project access will be able to view and edit project data.
I’m in charge of an evidence synthesis and would like to work with your team. Who should I contact?
If you’d like to work with us on an upcoming synthesis project, please send an email to Josh Polanin: jpolanin@air.org
Will you be holding trainings on MetaReviewer?
Yes! Sign up for the Beta testing phase and watch your inbox for further information.
Can someone help me solve a specific problem I’m having with MetaReviewer?
Most issues can be resolved by reviewing the user documentation, which users will have access to upon signing up for MetaReviewer. Although we do not have the capacity to troubleshoot all issues with users currently, please direct all questions to our support team at metareviewer@air.org.
I signed up for MetaReviewer but nothing happened. Who should I contact?
Please send an email to metareviewer@air.org.
How much does MetaReviewer cost?
It’s free! In the future, we may charge teams with a large number of people or a large number of files and data. The vast majority of teams will never have to pay for the product.
I love MetaReviewer so much I want to help offset its costs, Can I send someone money?
Sure, we’d love your support! Please send an email to metareviewer@air.org and we will work out the details.
Will MetaReviewer help me search the literature?
No. MetaReviewer is not designed to help with literature searching. However, MetaReviewer does have functionality that allows users to import citation data and link multiple citations to the same study.
What do I need to have ready in order to start using MetaReviewer?
The ideal project will have conducted the literature search, abstract screening, full-text retrieval, and full-text screening; thus, the project has a list of studies that will be included in the synthesis – either a systematic review alone or a systematic review and meta-analysis. Should users need assistance drafting a coding form, MetaReviewer provides templates for various synthesis scenarios common in the social and behavioral sciences. Once a user has the list of citations and a coding form ready, the project team should use the setup wizard to populate the review.
Can I use one of MetaReviewer’s functions for a different purpose than conducting an evidence synthesis?
No. MetaReviewer is designed for the sole purpose of conducting an evidence synthesis. Users who intend to modify the application of the program for a different purpose will violate the Terms of Agreement outlined and are subject to immediate deletion.
After the Beta testing phase is over, what will happen to my project and data?
The Beta testing phase will end on November 16, 2022. Users will continue to be able to access MetaReviewer after this time and the data will remain available. However, due to resource constraints, we will not be able to manage the Help Desk and will not be able to offer additional assistance. In addition, no new users will be allowed access. We plan to release an updated version of MetaReviewer in the late summer or early fall of 2023 and users will be able to join again then!
If I become a Beta user, am I under any obligation to pay any fees or provide feedback?
Beta testers will not be obligated to pay any fees. We reserve the right to restrict users from creating very large projects, but we do not anticipate this will be an issue. We may ask Beta testers to provide their feedback at some point in the fall of 2022, but Beta testers are under no obligation to answer the questions.